I’ve been on a cooking kick lately, trying to come up with a few new go-to recipes. The first few months of residency are going to be rough, and for me, good food is a fail safe pick-me-up. And if its healthy, that’s even better. I just made this southwest cilantro lime mango grilled chicken sandwich from allrecipes.com. Oh my, it might be the best sandwich I’ve ever had!! I also just bought this “superfood” cookbook and this “super food” smoothie book. I can’t wait to try them!! I could use a little extra energy from these magic superfoods…
There are two more days of class (well, one day plus the test). I’m trying not to lose motivation to study. I’m the type of person that always tries to get a million things done in their “free time,” and this month before I start residency will be the only free time I’ll have for a long time. Well, at least for a few years (minus two weeks of vacation per year). In addition to learning new recipes, I’m educating myself about loans and personal finance (doing great on the challenge, just picked up these Kate Spade Pumps), selling half of my clothes and finishing remodeling the dining room and bathroom. Then I get to pack, move, and sell everything I’m not using or don’t have room for! Oh, fun. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and have a great start to your week!! Oh, and if you have any good recipes, feel free to share!!